Renewing, Transformation, Empowerment and Justice
Gender, Justice and Peace
In its Understanding, SADC considers gender equity and social inclusion as a true way of reaching sustainable development. As social norms and conflicts have for long time identified as major causes of gender equity and social inclusion gaps, SADC intends to highlight and addresss those norms and collaborate with community to prevent conflicts.
The full extent of gender related violence and inclusion issues is difficult to estimate as many will never tell their story to anyone. Many victims do not speak because of fear of reprisals or being discriminated. In Burundi gender and related violence and inclusion issues takes many forms. Among the most common are domestic violence, violence based on social norms, and sexual violence.
The SADC is committed to supporting initiatives of the Government to fight against gender based violence and to implement social justice. It is concerned to raise awareness within the Church and in the community of the issues and provide training and support to victims where it is needed.
It is developing programmes that support women and girls and challenging all forms of discrimination against them by seeking to encourage appropriate responses to victims and perpetrators. The Program targets also people living with disabilities as they are often left behind by programs which are not likely to facilitate the inclusion of people with special needs.
SADC is committed to contributing to the improvement of life conditions of Burundian communities, advocating for equitable social justice
What we do

SADC is involved in various agricultural projects to increase food production.....
Youth & Education
Education is part of many of the SADC’s projects. Education is helping young people
It is acknowledged internationally that developing countries are likely be......
Gender, Justice and Peace
In its Understanding, SADC considers gender equity and social inclusion
READ MOREThe community health
As it continues to expand its health related programmes, the SADC is seeking